January 2023
We are currently working a hoarding issue in Hattieville, AR. When your animal rescue and volunteers live over an hour away, it makes it even more difficult to manage this many dogs. All we can do is our best. On January 29th, 2023, we removed 9 approximately 10 lb puppies before the freezing weather hit and took the puppies to one of our vets on January 30th because it was an urgent situation when we realized 2 were very sick. It was determined we were dealing with parvo. While only the 2 sick ones tested positive, we jump ahead to February 4th and they have all now broken out with parvo. We need donations. We are working with the owner to start getting the adult females spayed. The first 2 adult females are scheduled to be spayed on February 16th, and they are pregnant. While we hate to spay pregnant females, we must end the suffering.
To donate:
CashApp = $ArkAnimalAlliance
Tigger (Parvo +)
Lydia (Parvo +)
Hattieville, AR Hoarding
Stella (Parvo +)
Bailey (Parvo +)
Arkansas Animal Alliance
Embry (Parvo +)